The Challenge
The digital channel is today a cornerstone in retail sales, offering convenience, global reach and accessibility 24/7. This makes it imperative for businesses to continuously invest in their infrastructure to stay competitive. And this company knows it well.
The primary challenge was the need to quickly deliver a feature that would notify customers when out-of-stock items were available again. This functionality was crucial for maintaining customer interest and driving sales.
"We needed a solution that could make the team as independent as possible while minimizing costs and ensuring rapid deployment," explains David Pereira, Software Developer @Create IT.
Another challenge was integrating multiple Salesforce services - Marketing Cloud and Service Cloud - without causing delays or increasing complexity.
Ensuring that the email notifications were designed to minimize noise and spam was also critical.
When a user clicks the "notify me" button, an event is triggered and published via an internal HTTP API to a Kafka message broker, which is then consumed by a middleware and sent to Marketing Cloud with Salesforce REST APIs.
The custom journey in Salesforce Marketing Cloud ensures that emails are sent at optimal times but without guaranteeing stock availability at the time of email opening, thus managing customer expectations effectively.
“A unique characteristic of our solution is that this feature is only available to logged in users. We made this decision in order to not have a recaptcha or another system to prevent spam,” says David Pereira.
The website uses Salesforce B2C Commerce Cloud as the core e-commerce solution with SFRA, alongside many back-end services. A significant aspect of this implementation was the upgrade to the latest SFRA version (v6), which was completed in partnership with OSF Digital.
Other technologies used include Javascript; Node.js; webpack; Vue.js; Bootstrap 5 and Jenkins.
Besides this specific project, Create IT has been focused on bringing several innovations to life and maintaining the solution in production. “Our team is at the forefront of the value stream of our client”, highlights Pedro Vala, CTO @Create IT.