We have has just been recognized as AWS Select Consulting Partner. Our business around AWS technology projects already represents a value of more than 500 thousand euros, this year alone, and the expectation is that this business will continue to grow significantly in the coming years.
“Being recognized with the status of AWS Select Consulting Partner is particularly rewarding for our team, as it results from a dedicated and agile work over the last two years, confirming Create IT as an innovative and reference company in the implementation of critical business support solutions on Cloud technology”, explains Nuno Guerra, CEO of Create IT.
The company already has half of the AWS team certified. The entire team should be certified by the end of next year.
“Projects on AWS technology are an integral and growing part of our Cloud solutions offer since AWS is a partner of excellence in this market”, says Nuno Guerra.
The projects developed on AWS focus mainly on critical systems to support customers business, in areas such as E-Commerce, systems integration, logistics integration, among others.
In terms of technology, these are very innovative projects, being thought of in an elastic and scalable way. They are very focused on microservice architecture (using ECS containers), asynchronous processing scenarios, using AWS technologies (SQS), with document storage (S3), databases in RDS and also serverless processes using Lambdas.
“One of the main advantages of AWS is the breadth and depth of its Cloud services, with more than 175 services for computing, storage, database, analysis, network, mobile devices, tools for developers, management tools, IoT, security and others. Another major advantage of AWS is its pay-per-use and pay-as-you-go model, which provides the ability to optimize operating costs”, highlights Guilherme Peruzzi, responsible for the AWS partnership at Create IT.
“We are seeing more and more companies investing in the Cloud, both in new developments and in migrations of existing systems. Several success stories make many other companies follow their example. AWS provides services for practically all the needs of a company, so it is only natural that, little by little, companies move towards 100% Cloud”, sustains Guilherme Peruzzi.
The next steps, in addition to more employees with more knowledge in AWS - certifications and training -, are also to develop more projects using AWS technology.
“We want to ensure greater visibility for our company within the AWS world, and for that, we will be more involved in presentations - webinars or other formats - and, when possible, be present at events organized by AWS. We also aim for the next level of the partnership (Advanced Partner)”, concludes Guilherme Peruzzi.